Important Notes:
- Available only for Dora Everyday Checking Accounts.
- Transfers cannot be made to external accounts.
Step 1: Access the Feature
- Log in to the Dora app.
- Tap ‘Move Money’ at the bottom of the screen.
- Select ‘Transfer Dora to Dora Account.’
Step 2: Add the Recipient’s Code
If the Recipient is Already Saved:
- Tap ‘New’, then tap the ‘To:’ field.
- You’ll see a list of your saved contacts under their nicknames.
- Simply select the recipient’s nickname to proceed.
If the Recipient is Not Yet Saved:
- Tap ‘New’, then tap the ‘To:’ field.
- Select ‘Add Dora User Account’.
- Enter the recipient’s D2D code.
- Create a nickname for their account.
- Tap ‘Add Account’ to save it for future transfers.
Step 3: Transfer Funds
- Enter the amount you wish to send.
- Use the memo field to specify details for easy identification.
- Tap ‘Review’, then confirm the transfer.
*You can view your sent transfers in the ‘History’ menu under the D2D section.